v0.3.0 (2015-12-09)¶
Attention: This release contains some backward-incompatible changes (marked with (!) below).
- ChannelInfo-class with information about a channel like current topic and members
- access via IRCClient.channel_info
- changing the nick name of the client
- handle nick changes
- handle quits
- handle changes to operator- and voice-status
- introduced handle_own_kick()-method
- (!) when the bot gets kicked, this can only be handled in handle_own_kick() instead of handle_kick() now
- optional delay for channel messages
- the delay of a Task can be changed now
- (!) IRCClient.channels now returns an iterator instead of a tuple
v0.2.2 (2015-04-11)¶
- bug fix: client tried to process partially received messages
- bug fix: processing of operator- and voice-mode changes resulted in inconsistent data structures
v0.2.1 (2015-04-10)¶
- bug fix: the bot no longer received messages from a channel after another user got kicked from it
v0.2.0 (2015-03-05)¶
- handling disconnects
- ability to reconnect to the server
- IRCClient can be terminated manually
- handling changes to channel modes operator and voice
- changing channel modes operator and voice
- sending private messages
- handling kicks and kick other users from channels
v0.1.0 (2014-12-30)¶
- basic handling methods (messages, joins, parts, numeric responses and errors)
- connecting to a single server
- joining multiple channels
- sending channel messages
- scheduling delayed and periodic tasks