
Prerequisites: Make sure you have Python 3.3 or above as well as pip installed on your system.

FredIRC depends on asyncio which is part of the standard library since Python 3.4. For Python 3.3 asyncio must be installed separately (pip install will take care of this automatically).

Installation via PyPI

The recommended way to install FredIRC is to use the Python Package Index.

The following command will download FredIRC (and dependencies) from PyPI and install it for you:

$ pip install fredirc

This is probably all you need to do. Now you can continue with the Beginner’s Guide.

Installation from Source

If you have FredIRC’s source distribution (e.g. by cloning the git repository) and want to install that version you need to create a distribution tarball first:

$ python sdist

This will create a dist/-directory with a gzip compressed tar archive, that can be installed by:

$ pip install dist/FredIRC-X.X.X.tar.gz


If you really want to avoid using pip and miss all its benefits you can just use the of course:

$ python install

Build the Documentation

The source tree of FredIRC also includes this documentation. To build it, you will need to have sphinx and sphinxcontrib-napoleon installed.

$ python build_sphinx

Afterwards you can open doc/build/html/index.html in your web browser.


pip can also be used to uninstall FredIRC:

$ pip uninstall fredirc