Source code for fredirc.handler

# Copyright (c) 2014 Tobias Marquardt
# Distributed under terms of the (2-clause) BSD license.

Abstract IRC-Handler classes that handle IRC related events from a client.
You probably want to subclass :py:class:`.BaseIRCHandler` to implement a bot.

__all__ = ['BaseIRCHandler',

[docs]class IRCHandler(object): """ Abstract base class for IRC handler classes. This abstract base class contains handler functions for IRC related events (mostly messages from a server) a client might be interested in. It just defines an interface and all method bodies are empty. You probably want to subclass :py:class:`.BaseIRCHandler` instead of inheriting directly from this class. """
[docs] def handle_client_init(self, client): """ This handler was attached to a client. Args: client (:py:class:`.IRCClient`): The client. """ pass
[docs] def handle_connect(self): """ The client established a connection to the server. """ pass
[docs] def handle_disconnect(self): """ The client lost connection to the server. This might be the result of a network error but also occurs after a quit by the client or a forced disconnect by the server. """ pass
[docs] def handle_register(self): """ The client successfully registered to the server. """ pass
[docs] def handle_channel_message(self, channel, message, sender=None): """ Received a message to a channel. A message was sent to a channel the client currently belongs to. Does not include messages from the client itself! Args: channel (str): the channel name message (str): the received message sender (str): Sender of the message, usually a nickname. Might be None. """ pass
[docs] def handle_private_message(self, message, sender=None): """ Received private message (query). Args: message (str): the received message sender (str): Sender of the message, usually a nickname. Might be None. """ pass
[docs] def handle_join(self, channel, nick): """ Called when another user joined the channel. To handle joins of the IRCClient itself, use :py:meth:`.handle_own_join`. Args: channel (str): a name of a channel, the client is currently in nick (str): nick of the member that joined the channel """ pass
[docs] def handle_own_join(self, channel): """ Called when the IRCClient joined a channel. To handle joins of other members, use :py:meth:`.handle_join`. Args: channel (str): name of the channel """ pass
[docs] def handle_quit(self, nick, message=None): """ A user disconnected from the server. Also see: :py:meth:`.handle_part` Args: nick (str): nick of the user message (str): quit message (might be None) """ pass
[docs] def handle_part(self, channel, nick, message=None): """ Called when another user left the channel. To handle partings of the IRCClient itself, use :py:meth:`.handle_own_part`. Also see: :py:meth:`.handle_quit` Args: channel (str): a name of a channel, the client is currently in nick (str): nick of the member that left the channel message (str): part message of the parting member (might be None) """ pass
[docs] def handle_own_part(self, channel): """ Called when the IRCClient left a channel. To handle parting of other members, use :py:meth:`.handle_part`. Args: channel (str): name of the channel """ pass
[docs] def handle_kick(self, channel, nick, initiator, reason): """ Another user got kicked from a channel. Args: channel (str): the channel nick (str): the user who got kicked reason (str): reason for the kick (might be None) """ pass
[docs] def handle_own_kick(self, channel, initiator, reason): """ The IRCClient got kicked from a channel. Args: channel (str): the channel reason (str): reason for the kick (might be None) """ pass
[docs] def handle_got_op(self, channel, nick, initiator): """ Another user received operator status. Args: channel (str): name of the channel nick (str): the user who became operator initiator (str): the user who granted the operator rights """ pass
[docs] def handle_own_got_op(self, channel, initiator): """ The IRCClient received operator status. Args: channel (str): name of the channel initiator (str): the user who granted the operator rights """ pass
[docs] def handle_lost_op(self, channel, nick, initiator): """ Another user lost operator status. Args: channel (str): name of the channel nick (str): the user who is no longer operator initiator (str): the user who initiated the mode change """ pass
[docs] def handle_own_lost_op(self, channel, initiator): """ The IRCClient lost operator status. Args: channel (str): name of the channel initiator (str): the user who initiated the mode change """ pass
[docs] def handle_got_voice(self, channel, nick, initiator): """ Another user received voice rights. Args: channel (str): name of the channel nick (str): the user who received voice initiator (str): the user who granted the voice rights """ pass
[docs] def handle_own_got_voice(self, channel, initiator): """ The IRCClient received voice rights. Args: channel (str): name of the channel initiator (str): the user who granted the voice rights """ pass
[docs] def handle_lost_voice(self, channel, nick, initiator): """ Another user lost voice rights. Args: channel (str): name of the channel nick (str): the user who no longer has voice initiator (str): the user who initiated the mode change """ pass
[docs] def handle_own_lost_voice(self, channel, initiator): """ The IRCClient lost voice rights. Args: channel (str): name of the channel initiator (str): the user who initiated the mode change """ pass
[docs] def handle_nick_change(self, old_nick, new_nick): """ A user's nick name changed. To handle nick changes of the IRCClient itself, use :py:meth:`.handle_own_nick_change`. Args: old_nick (str): The nick name of the user until now. new_nick (str): The new nick name of the user. """ pass
[docs] def handle_own_nick_change(self, old_nick, new_nick): """ The IRCCLient's nick name changed. The :py:attr:`nick<.IRCClient.nick>`-property will already hold the new nick when this handler is called. Args: old_nick (str): The old nick name. new_nick (str): The new nick name. """ pass
[docs] def handle_response(self, response, message): """ A numeric response was received from the server. See the IRC client protocol specification for valid numeric response codes and their meaning. There are extra handler methods for many common responses, but this general handler is always called first. Args: response (int): 3-digit response code (between 0 and 399) message (str): the whole, raw message """ pass
[docs] def handle_error(self, error, **params): """ An irc error message was received from the server. The error codes are defined in :py:class:`Err<fredirc.Err>`. The contents of the params dictionary depend on the specific error. See the documentation of :py:class:`Err<fredirc.Err>` for details. Args: error (int): 3-digit error code (between 400 and 599) params (dict): Parameters of the error message, each consisting of \ a parameter name and a value. """ pass
[docs] def handle_ping(self, server): """ Received a ping message from the server. Args: server (str): name or ip of the server. """ pass
[docs] def handle_unhandled_message(self, message): """ This handler is called whenever a message is not handled by any other handler. A message is not handled if either the message is not yet supported by FredIRC or it is invalid/malformed. Args: message (str): The raw message as received by the client. """ pass
[docs]class BaseIRCHandler(IRCHandler): """ Minimal :py:class:`.IRCHandler` implementation. Implements the most basic handler functionality that probably every bot will need. It is recommended to subclass :py:class:`.BaseIRCHandler` instead of :py:class:`.IRCHandler`. What it does for you: * Store the :py:class:`.IRCClient` instance as attribute ``self.client`` \ on :py:meth:`.handle_client_init`. * Register to the server on :py:meth:`.handle_connect`. * Respond with pong on :py:meth:`.handle_ping`. """ def handle_client_init(self, client): self.client = client def handle_connect(self): self.client.register() def handle_ping(self, server): self.client.pong()