FredIRC is an event-driven Python framework for IRC (Internet Relay Chat) bots. It provides a high-level abstraction of IRC’s internals, an easy-to-use API and convenient utilities related to bot development.

Requires: Python 3.3+
License: 2-clause BSD


While fully usable, FredIRC is still pre-1.0 software and has no backwards compatibility guarantees until the 1.0 release occurs. Please make sure to read the Changelog carefully anytime you upgrade!


The main features are:

  • Easy-to-use interface for IRC bots
  • Internal event-loop that dispatches high-level IRC events
  • Different kinds of tasks which can be scheduled by the user


If you have problems, questions or ideas for improvement, please use the Github issue tracker or contact me directly via tm[at]tobix[dot].eu.


FredIRC is open source and distributed under terms of the 2-clause BSD license. Contributions (code, documentation, ideas,...) are always welcome!

The source code repository is hosted at Github


  • More commands (e.g. KICK, TOPIC,...)
  • Querying user modes for other users
  • Advanced logging of chat histories
  • Allow multiple IRCClient instances and/or to re-run a terminated IRCClient
  • SSL-support
  • Some kind of plugin system for more flexibility und reusability
  • Utility classes for general bot development
  • Multiple server connections
  • (X)DCC-support
  • Port to Python 3.0/3.1/3.2 (maybe by using Trollius)